KT's Cafemania I photos
Friday, June 17, 1997
- p3player1.jpg, p3player2.jpg - Lerriuqs_P3's player, who was visited at home in Ottawa, Illinois, by Richard, Vakko and Sylvester on their way to Cafemania I.
- sheilakt.jpg - Sheila and I arrive at the airport, me with my Plucky Duck plushie.
- airport1.jpg, airport2.jpg - Neuracnu, Sylvester, Richard, Masem, Vakko and Dave meet us at the airport.
- mousehole.jpg - The tiny hallway that leads to Masem's hole-in-the-wall apartment.
- sly.jpg - Sylvester Fox at Masem's.
- vakkohat.jpg - Vakko wears his hat, complete with feather.
- yakkoplucky.jpg - Masem's Yakko plushie hangs out with my Plucky plushie. (Oops... I just realized Plucky traveled all the way from Houston to Detroit... stark naked!)
- evilsheila.jpg, pinkanvil.jpg - Evil gifts for Sheila: a very long riding crop, a pennant of some sort, and a cute pink anvil!
- yiffybox.jpg, hunterrotfl.jpg - Richard opens his evilpresent. Meanwhile, Hunter literally ROTFLs at my description of it as a "yiffy box"!
- jeffgordon.jpg - Richard reacts to his evilpresent: a poster of Jeff Gordon! and his Chevy!
- paddles.jpg - Evilgifts for Richard and Hunter: The fox gets a foxpaddle, and the dog gets a dogpaddle.
- evilhunter.jpg - Hunter's evilpresents: a dogpaddle, a flea collar and a grooming kit!
- evilneu.jpg, neuring.jpg - Two of Neu's evilpresents: a coyote lunchbox and earrings!
- slysheilawhip.jpg, evilsly.jpg - Sylvester opens his present, which contains a Pepe Le Pew book and shirt, and skunk beaniebabies. Meanwhile, Sheila examines her looong riding crop.
- hooves.jpg - Vakko shows off the horseshoes on his hooves. (He handed out horseshoes to all of us!)
- evilmasem.jpg, frisbee.jpg - Masem's evilgifts: a leotard and a Red Hat frisbee!
- evildave.jpg, cs-tunafishie.jpg - Dave's evilpresents: Tuna Helper, a CICS disk, a dolphinplushie, and a really nice dolphin keyring.
- evilcap.jpg - Cap's evilpresent: Have a cow, man.
- corncobjelly.jpg - Cap tastes some corn cob jelly. Spewwww!
Saturday, June 18, 1997
- cs-fishwall.jpg, fishies.jpg - The walls in the mall are totally, totally decorated with dolphins. Dave frolics and cavorts with them! (Well, actually he just kinda glares at the camera.)
- cm1.jpg, everybody.jpg - Photo by Neuracnu. At the mall, Neu wanted to photograph everybody, but couldn't get in the picture himself because he had to work the camera. So he digitally inserted himself later.
- spincube1.jpg - The gang approaches UMich's mysterious (and deadly) giant spinning cube. (Well, okay, not deadly.)
- spincube2.jpg - Neu and Sly try to unravel the mysteries of the giant spinning cube.
- maynardst.jpg - The gang crosses Maynard St., near the Univ. of Mich. campus.
- whorehouse.jpg - WhoreHouse Records, the sexiest record store in Detroit!
- wbposter.jpg - A poster seen at the top of the stairs just outside the comic book store, advertising the A!, P&B and LT comic book titles.
- hunter.jpg - Hunter at Masem's apartment, holding his dogpaddle.
- huntercap.jpg - Hunter gives Captain a right smart paddling. That'll learn him!
- davecam.jpg, fishvideo.jpg - Dolphin Dave spent a lot of time videotaping everything that went on. Here, he turns his fishie-eye lens on me!
- haveagoodday.jpg, fishie.jpg - I brought an all-purpose sign with me, and added the words YIFF and FISHIE to it. Here, Captain demonstrates a built-in phrase while Hunter taunts Dave with one of my customized jobs.
- shh.jpg - Vakko shushes everybody while Masem talks to one of our friends overseas (possibly David S. Mouse or Plucky.)
- yiffyfox.jpg, cs-foxsign.jpg - Richard hasn't a clue why people are so interested in taking pictures of him while he's on the phone.
- yiffneu.jpg, yiff.jpg - Hunter uses the YIFF page of my all-purpose sign some more, this time on Neu.
Sunday, June 19, 1997
- pinky.jpg, cappinky.jpg - Masem's pinky.wtower.com machine at UMich. Hunter and Captain take a few minutes to check their e-mail.
- neulab.jpg, chemlab.jpg - Neu poses in his (scheming) whitecoat while Masem shows everyone around the chem lab at UMich.
- neutest.jpg - Neu shows us how a coyote tests chemicals for dangerous fumes.
- thswarc.jpg, neuart.jpg, grouptuba.jpg - Tuba having sex with a roller coaster. Probably UMich's most bizarre sculpture.
- vulcananvil.jpg, um-anvil.jpg - This anvil at UMich once belonged to some guy named Vulcan. His name's carved on the other side (not seen).
- eniac.jpg - A component of ENIAC in a display case, at UMich.
- nuvision.jpg - Neu's very own glasses store, NuVision.
- ticklevakko.jpg - Sheila tickles Vakko at Bennigan's.
- cm1guys.jpg - Me with my naked Pluckyplushie, Cap, Dave with his ubiquitous fishiecam, and Hunter with his paddle, all at Masem's place.
- sheilalarry.jpg - Sheila eats a pastie while Larry T. hangs back and tries to make sense of it all.
- ktdiary.jpg - Hunter and Vakko admire my sketchbook, most likely reading the CM-I diary so far.
Monday, June 20, 1997
- groupmon.jpg, group.jpg - What's left of the group on Monday, just before Richard, Dave, Cap & I headed out on our trek across Michigan.
- richhockey.jpg, cs-hockey.jpg - Richard plays pretend hockey with a broom, versus Dave, in Masem's parking lot.
- ktfish.jpg - Dave and I interview each other after the pretend hockey game.
- neuwave.jpg - Neu demonstrates once again that coyotes wear pants. Somehow, Cap and I totally missed this sight as we drove out!
- sheilas.jpg - Seen while driving thru Michigan: Sheila's Party Store.
- capnfrosty.jpg - Cap'n Frosty. Does Lisa know about this?
- hellmi.jpg, hellstore.jpg, welcometohell.jpg - Hell, Michigan, and the party store located therein. You can see from the signs on the store that the town used to be called Hell Creek.
- marengotwpcap.jpg, marengotwp.jpg - Cap visits Marengo Township, MI, a.k.a. Marengo: That Was Pointless.
- blackout.jpg - Power failure in Battle Creek! Captain calls home from ChezFox while Richard wields a flashlight.
- midnight.jpg - Midnight, the Ehapping Dog, takes on a demonic appearance as Richard, Dave & Cap (not seen) play Monopoly in the ChezFox basement.
- getpaper.jpg - Dave & Richard walk 20 miles (all uphill) just to get the daily paper. Well, it's more like, oh, 50 feet or so.
- capsassy1.jpg, capsassy2.jpg - Awww, idden dat cuuuuute? Sassy the kitten curls up on the sleeping Captain. (Well, it'd be cuter if Cap didn't look so cranky.)
Tuesday, June 21, 1997
- metsdave.jpg - Dolphin Dave in his Mets outfit, saying bye as Cap and I prepare to hit the road again.
- leavechezfox.jpg - Cap and I pull out from ChezFox as Richard & Dave watch us go.
- climax.jpg - Sign seen on the way to Illinois.
- dicksimon.jpg - Dick Simon truck with a cool cartoon skunk drawn on it. A skunk holding a pirate flag! Arrrrr!
- dekalbwt.jpg - The City of DeKalb's watertower. I can't quite see the Warners living in this thing...
- ni-bell.jpg - The Victory Bell at NIU, with the Phallic Building in the background.
- gargoyle.jpg - The gargoyle that watches over NIU students.
- onewayrepainted.jpg - A ONE WAY sign at NIU repainted as... a ONE WAY sign. Okkaaay.
- chezmgocap.jpg - ChezMgoCap; Captain's house in Marengo, Illinois.
- caproom.jpg, capdoor.jpg - Cap's room. His two machines are seen here: karen on the left, lisa behind him. Bart on the cool sign on his door.