KT's Anthrocon 2000 photos
Friday, June 30, 2000
- planewing.jpg - A lovely shot of the view from my plane window.
- twofoxes.jpg - Two very nice fox fursuits.
- tailedhuman.jpg - I saw a lot of people with tails walking around!
- wingedlady.jpg - Look! This woman has actual wings!
- bunnygirl.jpg - There's one in every crowd... a bunny girl! (Or there should be.)
- pharloubrendan.jpg - Phar Fignewton, Chicken Lou, and Brendan wait in the hallway for something out-of-the-ordinary to happen.
- lou-chilly-phar-dark.jpg - Lou and Phar watch in dismay as a giant boulder rolls past, blocking KT's flash. Meanwhile, Chilly grins at the camera.
- bugzy-lamp.jpg - Bugzy stands next to a lamp in his hotel room and refuses to turn it on. What gives?
- brendans-beaver.jpg - Brendan's big brown beaver.
- zotchillyphar-tosupper.jpg - Here we see Zot Warner, Chilly and Phar joining the horde of hungry furs on their way to Peppers for pranzo. (That's dinner in Italian.)
- brendan-tosupper.jpg - Wakky and Brendan are also spotted in the hungry throng.
- trixi-stuff.jpg - Trixi gets lotsa stuff for the 3rd anniversary of her engagement to Tet!
- horse-emoting.jpg - A white horse sings a paean to his trainer.
- horse-hello.jpg - The horse then greets an old friend from high school.
Saturday, July 1, 2000
- loubugzyegg.jpg - Chicken Lou, Bugzy and Egg lounge in Brendan's hotel room, watching TV, cracking wise...
- sk-1tiger.jpg - SK-1, the emcee for the Masquerade Show.
- magicfox.jpg - A sly vulpine magician, who amused the crowd with a trick featuring bottles, cardboard tubes, and a volunteer from the audience (Kagemushi's mom).
- gargoyle-acro.jpg - During the Masquerade Show, a dragon sings grand opera. (Okay, not really.)
- horserope.jpg - The big white horse gets ready to lasso his trainer.
- rope-ear.jpg - But then oops! The rope unscriptedly gets caught on his ear.
- whatisthis.jpg - What is this?
- roxicostume.jpg - One of the most bizarre costumes ever conceived: Roxikat!
- horse-yes.jpg - The big white horse confers with his trainer.
- wakkyhugschilly.jpg - Wakky gives Chilly a hug after the Masquerade Show.
- happycouple.jpg - The happy couple, Mitch and Minerva.
- kt-minerva.jpg - KT gets to meet Minerva! And she was really nice! She didn't whop him or nothin'!
- lou-minerva-mitch.jpg - Chicken Lou gets to have his photo taken with Minerva.
- phar-minerva-mitch.jpg - Phar Fignewton is also snapshotted next to the famous minkess.
- bugzygrin.jpg - A rare shot: Bugzy showing actual emotion! (Kidding, only kidding.)
- brendansunfloss.jpg - Brendan demonstrates his ability to hang from the ceiling by means of fun-tak, mere inches from the surface of the sun, while having his nose flossed with that red plastic strip you pull to unwrap blank videotapes.
- funtakked.jpg - Brendan is quite firmly fun-takked up on the ceiling.
- droppedon.jpg - Westminster Abbey being dropped on Brendan. I threatened to do this, in email before the con, and sho' nuff I did it!