KT's Canamania photos
Tuesday, Aug. 12, 1997
- 1. spr-puters.jpg - Brendan, spot, David, and Brendan & spot's pooters. spotmachine is the one with the stickers on the side.
- 2. jamies.jpg - Narfcake, wbwolf and David at Jamie's, a '50s-style burger place.
- 3. davidchezgrape.jpg - David S. Mouse at chezgrape.
Wednesday, Aug. 13, 1997
- 4. millends.jpg - Mill Ends Park, the smallest public park in the world, with a diameter of 24 inches. As I recall, the story goes that this guy who worked in a nearby office building got sick of the same old view every day, and paid to have this little circle of foliage placed there.
- 5. ptlp-eye.jpg - The weird but cool eye sculpture across the street from the train station. Unlike so many other modern "sculptures" that tend to be ugly "abstract" piles of rusted scrap, it's a sleek attractive stylization of a recognizable object on a humorously exaggerated scale. Modern art can be popular!
- 6. eyedriver.jpg - David drives the eye sculpture around! Vroooom vroooom! (Notice the clock face in the background too? I dunno what it represents, but hey, it's cool!)
- 7. davidtaper.jpg - David and Taper at the Greyhound station.
- 8. dbt-bridges.jpg - David, Brendan and Taper stroll towards Bridges Restaurant & Deli.
- 9. taperwait.jpg - Taper waits outside Bridges for spot & Narfcake to show up.
- 10. td-bridges.jpg - Taper & David inside Bridges.
- 11. ptlp-fountain.jpg - Taper walks past a modernistic fountain in downtown Portlump. (More abstract than the eye, but nice.)
- 12. dn-powells.jpg - David & Narfcake ring up their purchases at Powell's Bookstore.
- 13. ptlp1.jpg, riverpose.jpg - Photos by Narfcake: spot, Taper, KT (me!) and David at the Willamette.
- 14. taperriver.jpg - Taper at the Willamette.
- 15. davidriver.jpg - David poses pensively at the Willamette River.
- 16. saymoo.jpg - Naf moo-related sign seen at Lloyd Center. From the folks who brought you "Eat Mor Chikin".
- 17. plantpeople.jpg - Weird sculpture of plant people behind Lloyd Center.
- 18. taperchezgrape.jpg - Taper at chezgrape.
- 19. ptlp2.jpg - Photo by David: spot, me and Narfcake at chezgrape, looking as though we've been warned about low-flying aircraft in the apartment.
Thursday, Aug. 14, 1997
- 20. wbwchezgrape.jpg - Wilford wanders around chezgrape, while Narfcake packs in the BG.
- 21. mtrainier.jpg - Mt. Rainier, brilliantly lit by the setting sun, seen from Interstate 5 heading towards Seattle.
Friday, Aug. 15, 1997
- 22. rhia2400.jpg - Rhia outside our room at the 2400 Motel.
- 23. harfvan.jpg - Plato's harfy van. Those aren't bullet holes, they're rust spots. Note the Five Alive drink box held on with duct tape, used as a gas cover.
- 24. vanplato.jpg - Plato sits in harfvan.
- 25. coyotes.jpg - Sign warning of coyotes in Stanley Park. They are smart, fast, and will take what they can get, you know!
- 26. blacksquoil.jpg - Stanley Park has black squirrels!
- 27. dolphinfountain.jpg - Native art-inspired dolphin sculpture over the fountain in front of the Vancouver Aquarium. This photo doesn't show it, but the dolphin has a TAAALL dorsal fin!
- 28. legodolphin.jpg - A dolphin and octopus made of LEGO™ bricks outside the Aquarium. Note the kid blatantly disobeying the sign.
- 29. beluga.jpg - A big white Beluga whale at the Aquarium.
- 30. aquarium-fish.jpg - A typical resident of the Aquarium swims by.
- 31. aquarium-lionfish.jpg - A big impressive lionfish!
- 32. orcaleap.jpg - One of the killer whales at the Aquarium puts on a display of leaping out of the water.
- 33. fredwilma.jpg - The Flintstones joined the Witness Protection Program and had an Aquarium exhibit named for them?
- 34. spotbubble.jpg - spot appears in an underwater bubble and sticks her tongue out at me!
- 35. ktdrown.jpg - Me in the underwater bubble! There's this fishtank with a little passageway under it that leads up into a Plexiglas bubble. spot fits better inside it than I do, though.
- 36. ppl-aquarium.jpg - Plato, spot, wbwolf, Brendan, Varro & David congregate outside the Aquarium.
- 37. aquarium-plato.jpg - spot & Plato walk away from the Aquarium. This photo shows that tall dorsal fin on the dolphin sculpture.
- 38. seawall.jpg - Nerk, Penny & Plato, and in the distance, Fuzzy Tiger & Rhia, walk along the seawall in Stanley Park.
- 39. seawallcannon.jpg - A cannon on the seawall, fired at 9 pm every evening. Fortunately it was midday.
- 40. kttripstatue.jpg - Photo by Brendan: I'm being mean and tripping a statue!
- 41. stanprk1.jpg - Photo by spot: FuzzyTiger, Narfcake, wbwolf, Nerk, David, me, Varro, Brendan and rhia sitting on the grass in Stanley Park. As I recall, we're on a patch of grass on the other side of the path from the seawall, which we're facing.
- 42. vncouvr1.jpg - Photo by David: Plato, FuzzyTiger, Narfcake, wbwolf, Nerk, KT, Varro, spot, Brendan, and rhia on the grass in Stanley Park.
- 43. seesaws.jpg - Photo by Brendan: The C! gang on seesaws at the park.
- 44. whitespot.jpg - The White Spot, where we met the rest of the C!-ers.
- 45. brendanfelix.jpg - Brendan sits under a portrait of Felix the Cat at the White Spot.
- 46. chance.jpg - Chance gets to know people at the White Spot. He's a poster on alt.tv.animaniacs, but not a regular on IRC.
- 47. wg-photos-me.jpg - Weirdguy takes a picture of me as I take a picture of him!
- 48. pinkydrink.jpg - Photo by Vakko: David's Pinky plushie sips root beer.
- 49. tonyfox.jpg - Tony Fox at the 2400.
- 50. fuzzybook.jpg - Wbwolf, Plato, Varro & David look at FuzzyTiger's photos and copies of cels in his binder.
- 51. wg-beanie.jpg - Weirdguy shows off his new beanie, which spot gave to him as a spotminion present.
- 52. drpc-nite.jpg - David, Rhia, Plato (with shark-on-a-stick) & Chance chat away into the wee hours at the 2400.
Saturday, Aug. 16, 1997
- 53. vakkrro.jpg - Vakko & Varro stand next to each other. Can you tell them apart?
- 54. chancejeep.jpg - Photo by Brendan: Chance shows off his real GI jeep and its license plate.
- 55. chancejeep2.jpg - Chance shows us his real GI jeep.
- 56. jeepgoes.jpg - Chance heads for Capilano in his jeep, with Narfcake and wbwolf aboard. (Weirdguy was in the front seat, but he's not visible in this photo.)
- 57. capilano.jpg - Photo by Brendan: Capilano Suspension Bridge, one of Vancouver's most impressive tourist attractions.
- 58. capi-cu.jpg - Photo by Brendan: Closeup of previous photo. I added the captions.
- 59. bridgeshadow.jpg - The shadow of Capilano Bridge as seen from the bridge itself. One of those little shadow-lumps is probably me!
- 60. capilano2.jpg - Capilano Suspension Bridge as seen from elsewhere in the park.
- 61. lookbridge.jpg - A good view of Capilano Bridge from a graffiti-laden observation platform.
- 62. graf1.jpg - Photo by David(?): Yakko drawn on the wooden railing on the observation platform. Artist unknown.
- 63. graf2.jpg - Photo by David(?): Yakko, Wakko and Dot drawn on the observation platform railing, by David Mouse.
- 64. onbridge.jpg - Looking across Capilano Bridge from the far end, toward the park entrance. It seems simple enough, but it sways, shakes and wobbles... better have steady legs!
- 65. moose-wg.jpg - Weirdguy poses with some of Capilano's local wildlife.
- 66. spmoos.jpg, smoosesly.jpg - Photos by Rhia and Brendan (in that order): spot, local moose, and Sylvester.
- 67. vakmoose.jpg - Photo by Brendan: Vakko meets the Capilano Moose.
- 68. capgrp.jpg - Photo by Rhia: Varro, Narfcake, Sylvester, Vakko, David, Brendan, spot, and FuzzyTiger at Capilano Suspension Bridge Park.
- 69. grouse-mt-view.jpg - The view from Grouse Mountain, seen from near one of its skylift lines.
- 70. icehenge.jpg - Photo by Brendan: The mysterious ancient Icehenge monument (constructed by KT).
- 71. chairlift.jpg - Photo by Brendan: The chairlift from the visitor's center/park thingy on Grouse Mountain to the very tippy-top, where the paragliders launch from.
- 72. chair-cu.jpg - Photo by Brendan: Closeup of previous photo, showing David and me in the chair behind Brendan's, and FuzzyTiger in the chair behind ours. David is photographing Brendan!
- 73. ktdavid.jpg - Photo by FuzzyTiger: Me and David on the chairlift.
Sunday, Aug. 17, 1997
- 74. rhiamotel.jpg - Photo by Vakko: Rhia at the 2400 Motel.
- 75. dunns.jpg - Photo by Vakko: Neon sign over a store in Vancouver called Dunn's. Seemed like a neat idea because Brendan's last name is Dunn! See? Wow, what a cowinkydink! ...Aaaaah never mind.
- 76. dunns2.jpg - Closeup of the Dunn's sign from below.
- 77. loonieplus.jpg - Photo by Vakko: Loonie Plus, a discount store in Vancouver. It's called "Loonie Plus" because the Canadian $1 coin is called a loonie, because it has a loon on the reverse.
- 78. chancemap.jpg - Photo by Vakko: Chance, at the Skytrain station, pointing something out on a map of Vancouver.
- 79. dcrstsea.jpg - Photo by Brendan: David, Chance, Rhia, spot and Tony wading in English Bay.
- 80. seamonster.jpg - Photo by Brendan: A sea monster surfaces from the water, looking very much like Chance with some seaweed draped around his neck.
- 81. spotcweed.jpg - Photo by Brendan: spot holds up a piece of seaweed, or kelp, or whatever. Eww!
- 82. buried.jpg - David is really really short; after all, he's a mousie.
- 83. walrus-nerk-kt.jpg - Photo by Vakko: Plato does his walrus impression with some straws, while Nerk, KT and David wait for everyone to decide what we're going to do next.
- 84. spotsign.jpg - The sign in the back of harfcar, drawn by Dennis Carrigan back during spotmania.
Monday, Aug. 18, 1997
- 85. mile0.jpg - Photo by Brendan: The sign at the very beginning of the Trans-Canada Highway, which for some reason starts on an island.
- 86. queenvic.jpg - The statue of Queen Victoria outside the Parliament building in Victoria, BC.
- 87. gi-bird.jpg - Another statue outside the Parliament building, depicting a soldier fighting and dying for the sole purpose of giving a crow a place to perch.
- 88. qeleqesxw.jpg - The entrance doors at the Royal British Columbia Museum have "Welcome" printed on them in various languages. This aboriginal language has no writing system, so it is rendered using the International Phonetic Alphabet. (Though I'm not positive this isn't just a phonetic transcription of someone either choking or suffering from frostbitten lips and tongue.)
- 89. thankyous.jpg - A sign at the Royal BC Museum with "Thank you" printed in 21 languages...
- 90. ktsknee.jpg - Not for the squeamish! KT's badly scraped knee, held together with three wimpy bandaids, on the ferry from Victoria to Port Angeles, WA. Oww!
- 91. ferry.jpg - Photo by Rhia: David, KT, Varro, Nerk, spot, Brendan and Plato on the ferry to Port Angeles.
- 92. spot-iahr.jpg - The wind causes spot to bear a striking resemblance to a pineapple.
- 93. spotmuh1.jpg, spotmuh2.jpg - Photo by Brendan: The wind tosses spot's hair this way and that.
- 94. ferryjump.jpg - David jumps for joy on the ferry.
- 95. mousie.jpg - Photo by David, obviously: Mousie on a ferry.
- 96. vanharfs.jpg - Plato's van harfs bigtime in the Hurricane Ridge parking lot. Yow! And the green stuff underneath is leaking antifreeze!
- 97. smoke.jpg - Photo by rhia: Chance examines harfvan's engine.
- 98. nowwhatv.jpg - spot, Brendan, Varro, David, etc. ponder what to do about Plato's terminally harfing van.
- 99. hr-view.jpg - The breathtaking view from Hurricane Ridge, in Olympic National Park, WA.
- 100. fuzz1.jpg, fuzz2.jpg - Photo by David: A deer seen from one of the hiking trails at Hurricane Ridge.
- 101. cram.jpg - David tries to cram the last of the Fig Newtons into his mouth all at once. We didn't want 'em 'cause they were too dry. Want something to wash those down with, mousie?
Tuesday, Aug. 19, 1997
- 102. bds-column.jpg - Brendan, David and spot check out the map while the Astoria Column in Astoria, OR, looms in the background.
- 103. astoriamap.jpg - The old-fashioned bronze map of Astoria, OR, and surrounding area, located at the base of the Astoria Column.
- 104. db-beach.jpg - Photo by spot: David and Brendan on the beach in Oregon.
- 105. sandm.jpg - Photo by Rhia: David draws a mousie in the sand! Narf!
- 106. davidbch.jpg - Photo by spot: David shows off his handiwork: NARF written in the sand, large enough for passing planes to read.
- 107. kt-beach.jpg - Photo by spot: KT writes YIG-PED in the sand.