| drinking-game.jpg DATE: 2003-01-29 — FILESIZE: 70,957 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 584x749 pixels Richard Fox plays the George W. Bush State of the Union Drinking Game. This was an actual drinking game Richard found on the internet, and it happened just like in the picture: Dubya used so many buzzwords that Richard got through four 20-ounce bottles of Pepsi Twist and had to quit before he 'SPLODED!!! |
 | melonhead.gif DATE: 2003-01-30 — FILESIZE: 19,488 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 557x534 pixels Mel Skunk stands on her head. She's at the Grand Canyon... um, for no reason. |
 | sexayspidey.gif DATE: 2003-02-15 — FILESIZE: 36,378 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 459x739 pixels A sexy anthropomorphic spider lady. I drew this to prove to Timmo that anthropomorphic spider ladies can be sexy. (He was only partially convinced... said the extra eyes and legs un-sexied the picture a bit. Pfaugh, I say!) |
 | happy-birthday-maui.gif DATE: 2003-02-16 — FILESIZE: 146,094 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 397x545 pixels Sketchbook drawing from Further Confusion 2003: KT wishes Maui a happy birthday by popping out of her cake and blathering nonsense! Yaay! |
 | heartcandies.gif DATE: 2003-02-23 — FILESIZE: 88,796 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 608x544 pixels KT and Doris exchange those little heart-shaped candies with messages printed on them. I drew this on Valentine's day, but it took several days to get it colored (mainly because I scanned it waaay too damn big and it was making Photoshop choke). |
 | frostbite.gif DATE: 2003-02-24 — FILESIZE: 19,782 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 515x735 pixels Frostbite Winterhaven, the snowshoe fox. He's indigenous to co-o-old climates. (No, there's no such species in real life.) |
 | rockshowvol25.jpg DATE: 2003-04-06 — FILESIZE: 100,337 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 605x571 pixels An '80s New Wave style furry album cover I designed for Wilford. |
 | butter-cara.jpg DATE: 2003-05-17 — FILESIZE: 42,021 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 553x405 pixels Sketchbook drawing from FC 2003: KT meets Butterscotch Vixen and Caramel Skunk, but gets their names wrong. |
 | kts_furry_faq1.gif DATE: 2003-05-28 — FILESIZE: 64,698 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 573x788 pixels "What are furries?" An explanatory cartoon to show to people unfamiliar with furry fandom. Print it out and carry it with you! |
 | nemokt1.jpg DATE: 2003-06-06 — FILESIZE: 68,017 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 649x430 pixels "Finding Nemo" fanart: KT as Dory. |
 | 1st-kt-ever.gif DATE: 2003-06-13 — FILESIZE: 90,860 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 798x1059 pixels The first drawings ever of the kinky turtle! I drew this back in, um, 1987, I think. (The character in the cartoon at top right is Radar, a talking plant inspired by Audrey II in "Little Shop of Horrors".) |
 | interfere.gif DATE: 2003-06-17 — FILESIZE: 102,811 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 718x974 pixels More "Finding Nemo" fanart: KT steps in to interfere with the story, making the movie slightly shorter. |
 | inmylife.gif DATE: 2003-06-20 — FILESIZE: 38,355 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 582x793 pixels Recently at the Galleria, there was a display of artwork by John Lennon in a space that was previously a Pacific Sunwear store. I went, enjoyed the artwork, laughed at the pompous descriptions on the title cards, bought some T-shirts, and then drew this. |
 | nikoncontact.jpg DATE: 2003-06-29 — FILESIZE: 30,346 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 378x800 pixels A drawing of Nikon Raccoon I did in Nikon's sketchbook. She's a six-inch-tall raccoon who loves photography. |
 | findingforrester.gif DATE: 2003-07-04 — FILESIZE: 76,116 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 587x477 pixels "Finding Forrester", a parody of "Finding Nemo". |
 | x-timmo.gif DATE: 2003-07-04 — FILESIZE: 40,293 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 386x682 pixels Timmo the meerkat-Warner in his New Mutants outfit, perched on a cloud. |
 | vakkobadge.jpg DATE: 2003-07-16 — FILESIZE: 28,429 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 370x291 pixels Con badge for Vakkotaur, for Anthrocon 2003. |
 | kts_furry_faq3.gif DATE: 2003-07-16 — FILESIZE: 59,475 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 575x779 pixels "Do furries want to be animals? Do furries think they are animals?" An explanatory cartoon to show to people with one of the most common misconceptions about this whole "furry" thing. Print it out and carry it with you! |
 | cuteancool.gif DATE: 2003-07-22 — FILESIZE: 16,443 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 433x347 pixels KT interrupts Sefo's housepainting just to tell him (Sefo) that he (KT) are cute an' cool. Except that since this is one of those cartoons that make no damn sense, Sefo is saying "shower" instead of "housepainting". |
 | kt-tail.gif DATE: 2003-07-28 — FILESIZE: 126,514 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 786x1103 pixels KT wears a tail at the mall! Based on a recent trip to the mall at which I gave a friend a fox tail while wearing my own. |
 | so-hard-to-shop.jpg DATE: 2003-07-28 — FILESIZE: 143,049 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 802x1162 pixels Drawn in Striker RedWolf's sketchbook at Anthrocon 2003: A four-armed wolfskunk points out that it's so hard to shop for clothes. Dig those extra digits, too! |
 | ktpjnemo.gif DATE: 2003-07-29 — FILESIZE: 19,333 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 613x480 pixels Drawn at AC 2003, in PJ's Book of Cute. Who's cuter, PJ or Nemo? |
 | yakimaland.gif DATE: 2003-08-12 — FILESIZE: 88,210 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 773x582 pixels A cartoon I drew for the Conifur 2003 conbook: an ad for Yakimaland, a geek's gaming paradise. |
 | 3-eyed-freak.jpg DATE: 2003-08-18 — FILESIZE: 85,015 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 475x619 pixels Three-eyed fox reacts to being called a freak. |
 | tonywashin.gif DATE: 2003-09-05 — FILESIZE: 22,378 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 446x499 pixels Sketchbook drawing from Mephit Furmeet 2003: Tony Ringtail's washin' heah! |
 | quidnuncs.gif DATE: 2003-09-23 — FILESIZE: 90,300 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 593x810 pixels Parody of that Quizno's "Raised By Wolves" ad. |
 | alamocoons.gif DATE: 2003-10-10 — FILESIZE: 35,394 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 502x637 pixels I went to Deerbrook Mall north of Houston, and on the Texas-themed mural on the wall of the food court, I saw the Alamo juxtaposed with an extreme closeup of a raccoon clinging to a log or something. From the angle I was positioned at relative to the picture, the log sort of looked like a car. So I drew this. |
 | dios-dieu-gott-sk.gif DATE: 2003-10-20 — FILESIZE: 33,760 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 613x741 pixels The Gods of Mexico, France and Germany. Inspired by a letter in the Houston Chronicle. |
 | kts_furry_faq2.gif DATE: 2003-10-26 — FILESIZE: 61,754 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 572x782 pixels Updated version, with some more details added in the background. "What goes on at a furry convention?" An explanatory cartoon to show to people who come up to you at cons and ask "Excuse me, what is this gathering about?" Print it out and carry it with you! |
 | prance.gif DATE: 2003-10-27 — FILESIZE: 38,527 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 525x575 pixels Prance Prance Revolution! A variant of DDR for ponies. |
 | babs-billyocean.jpg DATE: 2003-11-10 — FILESIZE: 82,912 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 480x832 pixels Con sketch: Babs Bunny chatting on the telephone. The line "Billy Ocean did a concert for bunnies" was the result of a game of Telephone we were playing at Olive Garden after MFF 2002. |
 | bad-day-line.jpg DATE: 2003-11-28 — FILESIZE: 37,131 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 576x425 pixels Con sketch: The first two lines of R.E.M.'s song "Bad Day", illustrated. The "public service announcements" are those G.I. Joe educational segments with altered dialog done by some guy named Fensler, which have been going around the internet a bit. The strange coloration in the picture is the result of whatever Patrick Chalnick did when he scanned it. I probably could have removed it, with some effort, but it looks kinda cool as is. |
 | tftg.jpg DATE: 2003-11-30 — FILESIZE: 38,193 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 607x435 pixels Con sketch: A guy transforms into a female cougar. Rrrowr. |
 | louleghorn.gif DATE: 2003-12-03 — FILESIZE: 20,912 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 563x798 pixels Con sketch: Lou Leghorn from Indiana. |
 | ktpjfelonicmas.gif DATE: 2003-12-03 — FILESIZE: 24,902 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 772x525 pixels Con sketch: PJ is horror-stricken by the sight of Feloni the devilbunny perched atop the head of KT, who is oblivious. |
 | timmotaur-lindsay.jpg DATE: 2003-12-05 — FILESIZE: 68,376 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 584x623 pixels Lindsay Warner rides on Timmo Reintaur's back. Merry Christmas! |
 | daspot.gif DATE: 2003-12-26 — FILESIZE: 12,231 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 412x380 pixels A sketch I did during the furry party at Aisha's house: Kwik the cheetah. "Respect da SPOT!" |
 | foxietail.gif DATE: 2003-12-26 — FILESIZE: 26,322 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 430x347 pixels A sketch I did during the furry party at Aisha's house: KT with a fox tail (yes, even though he's a turtle). |
 | fourarmedlizard.gif DATE: 2003-12-26 — FILESIZE: 33,162 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 671x539 pixels A sketch I did during the furry party at Aisha's house: Some people were watching an anime videotape in which these five chibi cats or maybe foxes fighting a big lizard with four arms, and I felt like drawing the lizard. |
 | ludwig-und-jasmine.gif DATE: 2003-12-26 — FILESIZE: 59,110 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 755x607 pixels A sketch I did during the furry party at Aisha's house: Ludwig van Göff, the German sable, meets Jasmine, the four-armed ermine. |
 | kt-righto.gif DATE: 2003-12-26 — FILESIZE: 23,946 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 557x541 pixels Sketchbook drawing from Anthrocon 2000: KT looking all British. Note the extended Pinky. |
 | kt-chilly.gif DATE: 2003-12-26 — FILESIZE: 15,702 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 321x461 pixels Sketchbook drawing from Anthrocon 2000: KT disguised as Chilly Mouse. |
 | kt-travels.gif DATE: 2003-12-29 — FILESIZE: 102,886 bytes — IMAGE SIZE: 592x818 pixels KT travels to far-flung lands to meet his overseas online friends. |